Wednesday, October 10, 2012

BLK: Homework Continuity Analysis

The clip I have chosen is from the ending of 1942 film Casablanca starring Humphrey Bogart as Rick Blaine and Ingrid Bergman as Ilsa Lund.
Continuity Techniques:
Establishing Shot:
-The first shot doesn't really establish the exact location of the shot (but the audience can work it out from the line 'Put it on the plane') but it does indicate that the scene takes place at night, and it has been recently raining, which foreshadows the sadness to come and creates a romantic and dramatic backdrop.

180 Degree Rule:
-The camera obeys the 180 degree rule, allowing the scene to flow quickly and fluently, so the audience are not distracted from the sentiments being expressed by the charecters.

Shot reverse shot:
-They uses the technique of shot reverse shot during Rick and Ilsa conversation so you can see each of the character's from the other's view, aswell as displaying their emotions to the audiencce who are therefore able to sympathize. This is especially effective during the CU of Ilsa crying, as the audience sees how much she loves him and her pain.
-The shot reverse shot technique is also used when Rick speaks to the chief of police, but the length of the LA MS shot is so short it doesn't divert attention from the maibn event of the scene.

Other Points:
-The way the camera zooms in on Ilsa's face when her husband is leaving then cuts to the master shot of the 3 of them signifies that she is impatient to be with Rick, and enhances the guiltiness of their affair, promoting a sense of trepidation and urgency.
-In the distance of the 2 shot of them we can see figures moving around the plane, making it feel like a quick private moment, whilst promoting a sense of urgency because they will have to leave soon.
-The cut from the slightly HA OTS CU of Isla to the LA of Rick emphasizes his words about him thinking it over and making the right decision as he seems firmer and stronger, whereas the LA of her makes her seem weaker, like she's been crushed or is pleading with him.
-The OTS's reveal how close they are standing to each other, indicating their intimacy.
-The zoom in from MLS with the police officer to the MCU 2 shot of them makes it feel like a private moment that we are privileged to witness, and also reliterates how they must keep their love a secret. It also suggests that they are in their own little world at that moment, and nothing else is important.
-The scene constantly cuts back or zooms in to a MCU of the two of them, putting the audience's focus on them and reiliterating the idea that they are all that matters.

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