Wednesday, September 19, 2012

BLK: Homework 2

The clip I have chosen is from the romantic comedy Clueless
Genre Conventions and Technical Codes
A typical young blonde pretty heroine is used
The film is set in an american High School
Heroine is popular/likeable
The heroine has a jealous rival
Girl is being checked out and flirted with- romance
MLS is the establishing shot- reveals the setting and types of characters in the film
Background chatter noise- public place
The panning shot introduces the audience to the whole setting and the students and gives a sense of space
The slow moving shot down the aisle connotes how bored the students are and how little they care about the intellectual debate, providing humour which is essential for the genre
The zoom into Cher's face matches the build up to the climax of her arguement
The CU of Cher's face shows her emotions and empathises her attractiveness as one of her main features
The MCU of the teacher shows not only his confused expression but also his posture, making his emotions clear to the audience
Cutting between the CUs of Cher and her opponent  helps the audience understand their relationship and see their emotions
Guite slow paced editing is used to that the debate is coherent and understandable, as well as reflecting the boring nature of the lesson
Outside natural lighting is used, lighting up Cher's hair and drawing attention to her
Inside high key lighting is used to give the setting a bright cheery look
Culture Codes
The main girl is blonde- Stupid blonde stereotype
Yellow outfit- happiness, White shirt- innocence, purity
Dull colours in schoolroom- boredom
Abundance of teenage extras- high school setting
The heroine's voice-Rich, priveleged
Fluffy white bag- Feminine
Teacher's brown suit-boring
Desks and blackboard- Classroom setting
American flag on the wall- American school
Hair, outfit and gum are all yellow- vain, puts a lot of effort into her outfits
'Like right now'- teenagers, stupidity
Boy with long hair and skateboard- deliquent
Girl with plaster on her nose- nose job, vanity, self obsession
Girl wearing black hat and fur- the heroine's nemesis

1 comment:

  1. Great choice of clip and your notes are spot on - well done!
