Wednesday, September 26, 2012

DYM: Film Opening Analysis

The film I have chosen is 1971 musical Fiddler on the Roof.
Enigma Code: Questions
-Who is the main man?
-Where is Anatevka?
-What are their traditions?
-Who is the main man's family?
-Will there be conflict between the Jews and the Russian christians?

Action Code: Series of Events
-Teyve picks up the milk can=Puts the milk can down in a different place
-Teyve gets into cart= Cart moves off
-Tevye driving in cart- Cart stops to make a delivery
-Butcher gets meat down from hook= Starts chopping it
-Bread goes into oven= Bread comes out cooked
-Boy runs to school= boy arrives in classroom

Semiotic Code: Signs
-Grey Skys= Cold weather,
-Tin cans= Milkman
-Scruffy brown clothes= Poverty, thriftiness
-Cutting meat= butcher
-Pink headscarf= feminine, innocence
-Black clothes= Seriousness, sobriety
-White beard= Old age, wisdom, senility

Cultural Code: our Knowledge
-Rising sun= New day, new hope
-Star Of David= Judaism
-Menorah= Judaism
-Scrolls= Torah
-Books in their hands= learned men
-Cross on gate= church, christianity

Symbolic Code: Overarching connotations
-Importance of maintaining traditions
-Jewish faith
-Loyalty and friendship
-Tensions between different factions of society

1 comment:

  1. Very good work, Anna. You have shown excellent understanding of the theory covered in class and your HWs contain very good analytical detail.
